Yaman – Vilambit Tintaal (VILAYAT KHAN)

Raag Yaman Bandish in Vilambit Tintaal (Teen Taal), as played by Ustad Vilayat Khan on many different recordings. As usual, I want to encourage everybody to get a legal copy for yourself, but this one is quite difficult to find elsewhere. The example I used to transcribe this one you can get on:

1.) Gaana

2.) YouTube

Please also see the notes below.


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Yaman - VILAYAT KHAN - Vilambit Tintaal


In this transcript you can study the plain Bandish and two Tihai. Those where all transcribed form the recording streamed above. The first Tihai is quite unimposing, and in this recording you find it at 3min55sec.

The second Tihai on this sheet starts at 5min33sec on the kali. The phrase before that starts on the sam at 5:25.


You can find a simplified version of this Bandish … here
in the section Transcriptions & Lessons


Happy Practice!


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